Hieu Trung Huynh, The Use of Evolutionary Algorithm in Training Neural Networks for Hematocrit Estimation", Evolutionary Computation (ISBN 978-953-307-008-7), In-Tech, Austria, pp. 375-384, October 2009.
3. Hieu Trung Huynh and Yonggwan Won, "Extreme Learning Machine with Fuzzy Activation Function", the Int\&sharp39;l Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC (NCM2009), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 303-307, 2009.
4. Hieu Trung Huynh and Yonggwan Won, "Training Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks by Singular Value Decomposition", the Int\&sharp39;l on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT09), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 1300-1304, 2009.
5. Hieu Trung Huynh and Jung-ja Kim and Yonggwan Won, "DNA Microarray Classification using Single Hidden-Layer Feedforward Neural Networks trained by SVD", the 2009 Int\&sharp39;l Conference on Bio-Science and Bio-Technology (BSBT2009), Springer, pp. 108-114, 2009.
6. Hieu Trung Huynh and Yonggwan Won, "Online Training for Single Hidden-Layer Feedforward Neural Networks using RLS-ELM", The 2009 IEEE Int\&sharp39;l Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA2009), pp. 469-473, 2009.